Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wait.... how do people blog?

So I started a blog (obviously)! I've always wanted to because there are lots of blogs I enjoy reading and I always felt like I should have one of my own, even though I am far from interesting and I don't cook or make crafts or draw or paint or do any of the other really interesting and cool things that people do on their blogs. 

So I've been a member of blogger for about two days now…. and I still haven't posted anything or even filled out an about me page. I've sort of started messing around with my layout but I really cannot figure out how to make this thing look 'pretty' like I imagined it looking in my head. Oh well, maybe I'll figure it out one day. 

Now the question is, what am I going to use this blog for?

1.) Stories about my ever-so-fascinating life!
I think this is going to be a no. I am a very awkward and boring person. I don't have many friends and I don't do a lot of interesting things. If I were to try to keep an updated blog on my life, there would end up being years in between posts. So I'm just going to scratch this idea right at the preamble.

I love clothes! I love putting outfits together, I love going shopping, and I love looking at other girls' fashion blogs. But me…. eh, no. I just don't think I'm actually that fashion-forward, I really just love wearing a bunch of florals and comfy clothes, and a lot of times I don't even match because I just don't care. I do intend on entering a lot of awesome giveaways now that I do have a blog though, because sometimes those awesome fashion-girls offer some really awesome stuff. Really, I'm very excited for this.

3.)My animals!
I could certainly fill an entry a day with updates on my pets… but I'm already crazy enough when it comes to them, and I quite possibly already need an intervention. They will probably make plenty of appearances though. They're too cute not to be on the Internet. 

This is probably going to be mainly what I end up writing about, because reading is my favorite thing ever. I love books. When I told my fiance that I made a blog and didn't even know what to write, his suggestion was to write reviews about the books that I read. I've never been much of a reviewer; I tend to just read maniacally until I reach the end of a book and then jump straight into the next one without even stopping to absorb what I've just read. I think it would be nice to actually take the time to think and write about my books. I would hopefully be able to articulate why I think people should read everything that I read besides just saying, "IT WAS SO AMAZINGGGGGGGG YOU JUST HAVE TO READ IT!", because let's face it, that really doesn't sell people. Also, I've read some crappy, waste-of-my-life books, and I would love to possibly save other people from that fate. Life is too short to read bad books. 

So, here goes nothing. A blog with no specific subject matter. A mix of books and animals and I'll probably fangirl over some bands because I love some music and I have a eery obsessive personality and I can't control myself. Also, I'll probably talk about Paul McCartney, because I love him. Ok, bye! 


  1. Hey

    Everybody has to start somewhere, and so far a very good start, I look forward to more reviews :)


  2. Starting out is hard but take it slow and just enjoy it. You don't have to fit a niche so just don't worry about it. :) good luck and if you want a nice design I know a few people who will create the look of a blog for a cheaper price. Let me know.

  3. Thanks :) I will certainly give that some thought and get back to you. Your blog is very nice
